Category: Finance
UST offers their highest attended webinar—learn more about the unique tax alternative provided to 501(c)(3) nonprofits.
Utilizing State-Specific Unemployment Claims Administrators, UST Participants Save More than $26.2 Million on Unemployment Claim Costs.
UST releases a new eBook focused on helping nonprofit organizations create a workforce to stand apart in a competitive job market
UST releases 2018 UI Toolkit to help nonprofit organizations understand unemployment insurance options and claims management best practices
UST is giving 532 nonprofits $3,869,249 in cash back for their ability to reduce their anticipated unemployment claims within the past year.
Nonprofits utilized $1,169,195 worth of HR tools, resources and support at no additional cost with their UST membership.
UST helps 501(c)(3)s lower their unemployment costs & maintain HR compliance, providing resources to help refocus on mission objectives.
UST helps 501(c)(3)s lower their unemployment costs & maintain HR compliance, providing resources to help refocus on mission objectives.
New UST Website Offers More Robust and Readily Accessible HR and Unemployment Resources to the Nonprofit Sector
The Unemployment Services Trust (UST) has been acknowledged by GoToWebinar as being a great source of business content for the nonprofit community.
In an Effort to Help More Nonprofits Reduce Overhead Costs and Lower Their Unemployment Tax Rate, UST Support Now Provides Workforce Solutions Specifically Tailored for Nonprofits in the State Unemployment Tax System.
Already Offering Multiple Nonprofit-Exclusive Programs, Designed to Streamline Operations and Reduce Overhead Costs, UST Launches Unemployment Insurance Program to Further Safeguard Nonprofits.
The Unemployment Services Trust has added a new eBook to its library, aimed at helping nonprofit organizations to more effectively find, develop and retain the right kind of talent.
For a limited time, UST offers their highest attended webinar - a 30-minute presentation just for nonprofit executives, CFOs and HR leaders.
Utilizing State-Specific Unemployment Claims Administrators, Who Help Protest Unemployment Claims and Attend 100% of Hearings, UST Participants Save More than $27.8 Million in Unemployment Claims Costs.
Over the next few weeks, UST will be giving 581 nonprofits a combined $10,346,757 in cash back for their ability to reduce their unemployment claims over the past year.
Nonprofits took advantage of $1,124,210 worth of HR tools and support at no additional cost with their UST membership.
UST helps 185 eligible nonprofit organizations determine whether they could significantly reduce overhead costs by exercising their unique unemployment tax exemption status
With the expert guidance of an unemployment claims advisor, UST members avoid missing deadlines and making significant claims overpayments
Survey of 2,100 nonprofits reveals 95 percent of UST members would recommend UST as the preferred unemployment claims management solution
The Unemployment Services Trust (UST) adds CareerArc to its list of member benefits, which helps nonprofits lower claims costs through outplacement and career transition resources.
More than 400 nonprofits asked UST to benchmark their current unemployment costs, and determine whether they could reduce overhead costs by exercising their federal exemption from paying state unemployment taxes and joining the UST program.
UST Support offers nonprofits a powerful new choice for effectively leveraging the unemployment reimbursement option provided for nonprofits under federal law.
A recent survey of more than 2,000 nonprofit members unveils a 97 percent satisfaction rate of UST participants, who would recommend the Unemployment Services Trust (UST) to their nonprofit peers as a valuable cost-saving opportunity.
For a limited time, the Unemployment Services Trust (UST) presents a free 30-minute webinar, identifying the 5 most hazardous unemployment pitfalls that could be costing nonprofits thousands of dollars.
![Nonprofits Receive Over $7 Million in Cash Back From the Unemployment Services Trust (UST)](
Over the next few weeks, UST will be giving 537 nonprofits a combined $7,051,624.72 in cash back for their ability to reduce their unemployment claims over the past year.
Through the support of a dedicated unemployment claims administrator, who files protests on behalf of nonprofit employers and attends hearings if there is an appeal, UST's nonprofit members experience more than $34.2 million in unemployment claims savings.
The Unemployment Services Trust (UST) helps 501(c)(3)s nationwide lower their unemployment costs and maintain HR compliance, adding the largest amount of new members since 2003.
The Unemployment Services Trust (UST) welcomes guest presenter Jay Azar, CPA, Director of Not-for-Profit Practice Services at Lindquist LLP for a free one-hour webinar on May 21st uncovering common, yet vital to understand, financial reporting errors seen in nonprofit institutions.
![UST HR Workplace Gives Nonprofits Affordable HR Hotline and Compliance Platform](
The Unemployment Services Trust (UST) introduces the UST HR Workplace powered by ThinkHR, which helps nonprofits maintain compliance through an HR hotline and online employee training courses.
The Florida Nonprofit Alliance's endorsement of the Unemployment Services Trust will provide both unemployment claims management services and expert HR guidance to the Florida nonprofit sector.